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How the whisky industry’s used social media - and some sober lessons for other industries
14th June 2012
Tigerlily, George Street, Edinburgh

The whisky industry is perhaps the brightest star of the Scottish economy with many whisky brands, and the industry as a whole, reporting record global sales. Whilst other industries have struggled in the current climate, whisky sales and profits have risen and the popularity of the product seems to be stronger than ever. Many things have played been a factor in its success, social media being one of them.

At the May New Media Breakfast, Craig McGill will highlight some of the ways the whisky industry has embraced social media and how they have used it to help raise sales in an increasingly competitive market. Craig will also explain some sobering lessons that other industries can learn from the whisky industry’s experience of using social media as part of their marketing mix.

Craig McGill is MD of Contently Managed; he is one of Scotland’s leading social media consultants; working with companies throughout the UK, many in the whisky industry, he has built an excellent reputation as a social media visionary and practitioner. He is a regular speaker at business networking and training events and we look forward to his insight into one of the great Scottish economic success stories in recent years.

Craig McGill on Linked In

Craig will be happy to  answer any questions you may have so, please feel free to send us any questions in advance to or post them as a comment on the blog or on the New Media Breakfast Facebook page.

Venue: Tigerlily, George Street Edinburgh
Date: Thursday 14th June 2012
Time: 8am
Cost: £18

We hope you can make it along to this event. If so, I look forward to seeing you on the day.




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